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Being able to view empty locations

We think it would be useful to be able to see empty locations when you create a new item. That way you don't have to physically check which location is empty in the device.
Guest over 1 year ago in Item management 2 Already exists

Be able to add hyper links into the description when adding an item.

Allows us to not have to fill in all the details off an item and someone to immediately be taken to the desired item.
Archie Thompson over 1 year ago in Inventory 0 Needs review

Please tell us when you have added new features so that we can use them.

I dont know if you guys already do this but it would be a useful thing to do as i dont know what new things are now available.
Archie Thompson over 1 year ago in Users 1 Already exists

Allow Users to "View" items that are restricted to them, but not "Pick"

Would it be possible, when restricting an item via a PAG, to have a selection box per item restricted to "allow restricted users to view item"? Sometimes operators mistake being "restricted" from an item (i.e. not being able to see the item during...
Sam Westmoreland over 1 year ago in Picking 0 Needs review

Door Reopens when a Serialised Item is Inventoried (qty has to be greater than 1)

Problem: When inventorying a serialised item, the vending machine will find the item as usual & open the door. Once the user has carried out the inventory and closes the door, the system will "load" then the vend door will reopen and no messag...
Sam Westmoreland over 1 year ago in Bugs 0 Needs review

Allow Restocking of Accidentally Vended Consumable Consignment Stock Items

On occasion, the scenario has occurred when someone has accidentally vended an incorrect consignment item or an incorrect qty of a consignment item. In these cases, it is not possible to restock these items as "New", and not be charged again when ...
Sam Westmoreland over 1 year ago in Picking 1 Already exists

Allow restock to max without purchase order

T1905-0029"For customers using "Restock without purchase order", either add a button "Restock to max" that works with selection/multiple selection in Data management -> Items, or make it possible to import/export item amounts via excel. Current...
From @CRIBWISE over 1 year ago in Receive and restock 0 Future consideration

Restricting Items by "Own Group"

When restricting items during the cost allocation, it would be good to be able to restrict items by "Own Group". For example, if all items are assigned to predefined (or self defined) own groups: "Milling Tools" & "Turning Tools", under the 'm...
Sam Westmoreland almost 2 years ago in Cost allocation 0 Future consideration