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Ändra status förbrukning till återanvändbar

För att slippa radera hela artikeln med allt det innebär och lägga till den igen
Anders Grund 4 months ago in Item management 1 Needs review

Show who has restocked an item in the same way you can see the latest picks.

You would be able to tell who last restocked the item if the item that was restocked was incorrect. If this was added next to latest picks in the same format but just for latest restocks. This would be useful
Archie Thompson over 1 year ago in User management 2 Needs review

Ability to See Items Already Selected in Restricted Items when Selecting New Items for Restriction

Problem: When needing to add more items to a restricted section of the CA Hierarchy, it does not show which items out of the selection list have already been selected for restriction. E.g., if 200 items have already been restricted out of 500 tota...
Sam Westmoreland over 1 year ago in Cost allocation 0 Future consideration

Beställning till max när andra artiklar triggar en order.

En möjlighet att lägga så att vissa artiklar beställs om de är under max när en order genereras. Exempelvis, på måndag så triggar ett villkor en beställning på 3st pinnfräsar och de beställs, det finns ytterligare 3storlekar som ligger 1st över be...
Mikael Koivisto over 1 year ago in Item management 6 Needs review

Being able to view empty locations

We think it would be useful to be able to see empty locations when you create a new item. That way you don't have to physically check which location is empty in the device.
Guest over 1 year ago in Item management 2 Already exists

Restricting Items by "Own Group"

When restricting items during the cost allocation, it would be good to be able to restrict items by "Own Group". For example, if all items are assigned to predefined (or self defined) own groups: "Milling Tools" & "Turning Tools", under the 'm...
Sam Westmoreland almost 2 years ago in Cost allocation 0 Future consideration