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Stock Management

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Edit Barcode Assignment via "Manage Item"

Can it be possible to edit the assigned barcode number at the Shop Floor Interface through managed items? If this is missed at the Item assigned stage, it is not possible to complete this again at the SFI, where it is easier to scan the barcode in...
Sam Westmoreland over 1 year ago in Stock Management 2 Future consideration

Show Current Available Stock & Max Restock Qty Per Location when Restocking an Item

It would be great if the SFI showed the qty currently available in a location when restocking. This would allow the user to carry out an active inventory at the time of restocking to ensure the correct amount of items are present in the location. ...
Sam Westmoreland over 1 year ago in Receive and restock 2 Future consideration

Consignment Selection Tick Box During the Assigning Stage at the SFI

Could there be a consignment tick box at the stage of assigning an item into the vending machine? Currently, the user has to go back to the AP every time an item is assigned to ensure it is ticked as consignment, with some items inevitably being m...
Sam Westmoreland over 1 year ago in Assign 2 Planned

How can I delete a stock location individually without having to delete my whole storage device.

when I go to stock locations under stock with the device locked I cant find where to delete individual stock locations. can anyone help?
Archie Thompson 12 months ago in Stock Management 0 Needs review

Be able to add hyper links into the description when adding an item.

Allows us to not have to fill in all the details off an item and someone to immediately be taken to the desired item.
Archie Thompson over 1 year ago in Inventory 0 Needs review

Allow restock to max without purchase order

T1905-0029"For customers using "Restock without purchase order", either add a button "Restock to max" that works with selection/multiple selection in Data management -> Items, or make it possible to import/export item amounts via excel. Current...
From @CRIBWISE over 1 year ago in Receive and restock 0 Future consideration