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Status Future consideration
Created by Sam Westmoreland
Created on Sep 26, 2023

Show Current Available Stock & Max Restock Qty Per Location when Restocking an Item

  1. It would be great if the SFI showed the qty currently available in a location when restocking. This would allow the user to carry out an active inventory at the time of restocking to ensure the correct amount of items are present in the location.

  2. Further to this, it would also be very useful for the location that is opening to have the maximum stock value for that pocket displayed, so the user can ensure they are not over stocking a particular pocket base on the maximum set when the item was originally assigned to that pocket.

For example, if restocking from a PO or "Without Order" for 20 off of Tool A, where Tool A has 2 locations: A & B. A is set to a max of 15off and B a max of 5off, the SFI should show:

Location A: Current Qty: 3, Location Maximum: 15, Expected Restock Qty: 12 off, [Button to Edit Final Amount if Current Qty Incorrect]

Location B: Current Qty: 0, Location Maximum: 5, Expected Restock Qty: 5 off, [Button to Edit Final Amount if Current Qty Incorrect]

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  • Admin
    Patrik Grönman
    Nov 7, 2023

    In our October release we implemented an inventory during restock function. more can be read under this article.

    For the point of showing max value we can add this to list.

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