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Created by Sam Westmoreland
Created on Sep 25, 2023

Enable a "Refurbished" Item to hold the same location as a "New" or "Used" Item

Problem: When serialized items return from service, they automatically trigger as "Refurbished" items when returned on a service order. This is a good feature, however, due to the Qty of serialized items in a vending machine, there are not enough physical locations to have 2 pockets for every item to have a unique location for both a "Refurbished" and "New" and/or "Used" bins for all items. In our case, each serialized item has its own unique pocket, so no two items are in the same pocket.

Solution: Could it be that "Refurbished" items when being returned on a Service Order can be returned to a "New" and "Used" bin? As the vending machine logs that items returned via service order are "Refurbished", restocking to a "New" or "Used" location can then be logged digitally, and the item then changes state once picked & returned.

In our case, we have all serialized items vended as "Used", so when they are restocked by service order, I would like to restock them as "refurbished" into the "used" bin, so they can then be picked and returned to this bin by the operators -> Vended as "refurbished by default, then returned as Used to the same bin. Currently, when you attempt to set a location of a serialized item to hold more than 1 state, e.g. "Used" & "Refurbished", the most recent allocation of state overrides the original.

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