When an SFI-user picks an item, they often pick a whole box of inserts but sometimes they just need one piece.
For example: Most users picks a whole box of inserts and they will have to enter 10 pieces manually. this is problamatic cause it happens quite often that the user is missing to enter the correct amount of picked pieces.
If we were able to choose "picking amount default" in SFI to be the same as for "purchase package quantity" within an item it would be great.
With this option it would still be possible to pick whatever number of inserts the user is needed but less risk of entering wrong number of picked amount.

I think it's a good idea, the only work around today would be to set this on device but then it would apply to all items
We could potentially make a new default quantity type "Custom Dispense Package quantity" and pick the value from Item.
That function is great except that the user is not allowed to choose freely what amount they want to pick.
Default Quantity Type: Package quantity
Dispense package quantity: 10
In SFI, you can only pick atleast 10, 20 or 30 of this item..
What i want to achieve is like this:
Default Quantity Type: Custom
Default Quantity value: Same as Dispense package quantity for each individual item
In SFI, user is scanning an item that contains 10 pieces. 10 is shown at the screen and if user only wishes to pick 1, they are free to pick just 1.
One issue would be that the PPG is set to boxes and not pieces and since the picking setting is for all items in that device there could be many mismatches. The function you are looking for is already available by setting the pick to custom and copying the value from PPG for those items it concerns.